Tuesday, April 27, 2010

the unemployed life

school is over, summer is here, and i'm relaxed for the first time in months.
yessssssssssssss. enjoying the last few days.
- "scenic route" walks through the cedarvale ravine
- 4-way park patrol in forest hill village
- passing thoughts of summer economics
- salut, facebook. je reviens.
- trips, trips, TRIPS. anywhere and everywhere.
- the big move
- u of t loves me enough to give me an 84, but not an 85. you bitch.
- birthday beats in 23
- spring cleaning
- park + starbucks + phets = long time coming

Thursday, April 22, 2010

achievement vs. disbelief

(and that's about half)

long time coming

since i don't have facebook... LOL

“if you don’t have faith in yourself and something larger than yourself, and if you want to take this world at face value, you’re going to have a fucking nasty ride.”

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

revelations 4:20

epiphanies of the day (and not a bible passage):

- never try to force something open with a large knife. you will stab yourself. and it will hurt. and it will of course happen at a time when you need to use that hand to type an essay. and you will wrap it with your superior first aid skills instead of going to a doctor, which is probably the right thing to do.

- the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" pretty much sums up my entire undergrad degree. SMH.

- Dean Rusk was kind of a dick. And John Diefenbaker was a complete idiot. And W.R. Smyser is brilliant. just saying.

- writing a history paper is an enlightening, time consuming, and ultimately useless endeavour. No one will read it, or care what it says, outside of the 10 minutes spent by your professor. sigh.

- 35 page papers should be against the law.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

almost there

so defeated lately. need OUT.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


crunch, crunch.

Let's talk about an essay. You think you do a lot of research? You ain't seen nothing yet.

- 32 library books at the moment, and hopefully at least one more. 10 of which, at least, are memoirs.
- 27 newspaper articles. and counting.
- let's not even get started on stuff from library and archives canada. If you've never looked at documents from external affiairs, or cabinet conclusions, please don't start now. I'm gonna put the total number of pgs at well over 100.
- 3 dissertations (PhD, of course)
- ... and more.

This mammoth of an essay better be worth it. So close... yet so far.

LOVE the braided look from alexander wang (but not the underwear as outwear.)

... too bad i need a haircut.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dear Maddie,

this is for you. LMAO

be happy for this moment...

                  this moment is your life.

is it bad that i really wanna see this?
well, lucia wants to see it more so... i guess its not so bad.
come join in cry fest #2 (dear john being cry fest #1)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

so over it.
