Monday, November 29, 2010

the urban turban

in preparation for pulling an all-nighter at the hell-hole-of-a-dungeon (AKA robarts), i do some mental warm up and read a few blogs. low and behold, i found THIS:

i've embraced the jegging (LONG before anyone else, i might add), the pleather pant, the fur vest, the military revival... but this?! sorry, but i have too much hair to fit under that kind of... head piece? i can't even call it a hat. i can, however, call it RIDIC.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

375 sq ft of awesome

NY times article on the cutest little apartment i've ever seen. makes me want to be crafty... or find a man thats insanely handy. slideshow is so cute.

and then there's my girl alexa...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blair vs. Hitchens

"Let it be resolved, that religion is a force for good in the world."

Hitchens (atheist) convincingly won the debate. But that certainly didn't diminish by infatuation with Tony Blair.

Screw you, stupid "Bliar" protesters, claiming he's a war criminal... to quote my sis, "This man makes me want to go to church, as long as he'll take me home after." Nothing is quite as a attractive as enormous success and a brills intellect.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


new GIRL TALK album = unreal.

my fave moment so far... "sunday bloody sunday" on top of "cecelia" on top of x-rap song. brills.

i think every song on my top 25 itunes playlist is somewhere on this album. all that's missing is a little shy ronnie.

... and just when i need some study music. ahhhhh. la vie est belle.

Monday, November 22, 2010

the brit is back

new cd 2011 - my fave brit girl`s got serious soul.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

surprise, surprise

surprised the other day to find that some people i know ACTUALLY read this blog. surprising, since i don't write about anything remotely important, and most of posts consist of youtube videos i found while NOT doing my homework.

nevertheless, thanks to this breaking news, i'll try and find things to say that actually have some substance (though that might be hard).

while i think of something meaningful to say, i'll blog something totally useless in the meantime.

so LANVIN, and the adorable albert elbaz, are putting out a collection at H&M which debuts tomorrow. no doubt it'll open to a crowd of hipster fashionistas at the eatons centre location (a la all the other capsule collections), and i'm not to inclined to participate in the rat race for a dress that doesn't fit me in a colour i hate. so instead, i'll let joe zee sift through the collection for me...

Monday, November 8, 2010

disillusions of a shopaholic

today, i - the eternally insatiable and always underfunded shopaholic - took a little trip to square one.

i was thoroughly unimpressed.

since when did major shopping malls have so little appeal for papa's-visa-card-carrying girls like me? i knew what i needed, and had money to burn. and somehow, i was totally disinterested, and found NOTHING.

maybe it's the born-again urbanite in me, or maybe i'm just picky, but i found the rows of mundane, look-alike stores to be utterly depressing. why doesn't anyone take fashion risks anymore? why are there multiple stores in a row sporting the same, jeans and t-shirts, fleece sweaters and immitation uggs look, circa 5 seasons ago? where are the trend setters? WHERE IS THE STYLE?

this is a call-out to the shopping mall brands. step. your. game. up.
you too, aritizia... you are undoubtedly fashionable. but you NEED to update your collection. i can still spot the wilfred dress i bought 4 years ago, and those oversize sweaters have got to go sometime. you're lucky i found those wilfred pleather shorts today, even though you priced them at 118 benjamins.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: club monaco, BCBG, FCUK, and banana republic, you are exempt from my rage. your ruffles and sparkles and assymetric cuts still suck me in.

PS. H&M, please hire a new visual merchandiser and re-organize your store. i get a headache just walking through your door.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010