Wise man once said, "Life is like a box of chocolates." mmmm... not exactly.
Life's more like a chalkboard in a world without water. You can wipe it with the brush and say its "clean", but the dust and markings and smudges from whatever you were writing before are technically still there. The chalkboard can be blank, but never clean. And the longer you go without actually washing it, the dirtier it gets. So people, stop searching for that clean slate, that fresh start, cuz its a waste of time. Just cuz its a new week, or a new month, or a new year, doesnt mean everything suddenly changed from the day before.
after that stupid analogy, a few random thoughts...
1. to be cut-throat, or not to be? watched so many people at this stupid school pull the most ridic shit over the years. never wanted a class so bad in my life. MY TURN.
2. ROSI, you know i hate you. in fact... everyone does. but you semi redeemed yourself late this week and for that, we can be cordial. at best.
3. games night = triple high fives LOL
4. like high school... juniors are so into it and seniors are so over it. and half the school couldnt care less. but the SAC loves it. (guess the topic)
5. go suck a big d, ROGERS. ya, that's right. instead of 80 bux a month, i now have free cable. life is good.
how do you have free cable?